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Mentoring Course Outcomes

  • Understand common challenges in mentoring relationships
  • Know typical expectations for mentors and mentees
  • Find out the key secrets to successful mentoring
  • Dispel the myths of mentoring

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Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!


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Mentoring Course Outcomes

  • Understand common challenges in mentoring relationships
  • Know typical expectations for mentors and mentees
  • Find out the key secrets to successful mentoring
  • Dispel the myths of mentoring

Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!

Runaway Growth
Satish Shenoy

I share my journey of running marathons across all 7 continents and principles that I used to reach my goals

Runaway Growth is a story of my journey and others like me who started small, aimed higher and reached goals that initially felt beyond reach.  I share the framework and principles that I used to reach my goal of running  marathons across all 7 continents and running over 8000 miles in 8 years. Something that seemed impossible at the start of my journey. I also share the insights and lessons from other thought leaders and mentors who inspired me along that journey and continue to inspire me to achieve audacious goals to this day!

It's what's between your ears...

Satish Shenoy

“After running nearly 8000 miles over 8 years, it is clear to me that the battle to the finish is not won or lost with your legs but between your ears.”

3 Key Takeaways I Offer In This Book!

Frameworks and Principles that I used to reach my goals


There are many parallels that I have discovered between marathon running and the “marathon” of life. Learning how to address these parallels have helped me better address similar challenges in real life.


The “secret” to achieving extraordinary goals are the principles that helped me achieve goals that I and others around me consider extraordinary.


One of the most important perspectives about running long distance is that it is all about the mindset.  The mindset is ultimately what sets you up for successful outcomes.


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Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!


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Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!

Table Of Contents

A quick glance into what I have to offer in this book

The Mirage of The Impossible

We all have seemingly “Impossible” goals but those goals are only a mirage. You can go from Impossible to "I-m-possible" by following the framework and implementing some key principles

Small Goals, Big Dreams

Take those big dreams or goals and break down into smaller and smaller goals until they no longer intimidate you. An “impossible” goal is made up of many, many smaller, possible goals!

Reaching Higher

When you think you have reached the edge of your comfort zone, reach a bit higher and what you find might surprise you. With this mindset of stretching that goal and doing it consistently, you will be able to get to totally new place - one which you thought was not possible

Showing Up

For most people “showing up” is the act of arriving at a place. For others, it is not arriving and being prepared. For a smaller subset, it is about arriving, being prepared and being ready to put in the work to achieve an outcome.. Finally, for the remaining few, it is all these things we described in terms of showing up for themselves and also showing up for others.


They say “it is all in the mind” and achieving any audacious goal is no different. Figuring it out and convincing yourself is the critical first step and having the right mindset is the secret.

It Takes A Village

Achieving something on your own is possible but there are severe limitations to how much you can achieve that way. This is especially true for goals that are challenging! Having people around you that can inspire, coach or challenge you will truly bolster you ability to achieve goals, even the audacious ones!


They say when preparation meets opportunity, you have the greatest chances of success! Learn the


“Pain is weakness leaving the body”. With preparation, conditioning, taking meaningful risks and putting mind over body, I have found that pain becomes a secondary consideration.


Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance and we will explore two different ways of building grit – an internal approach and an external approach.


Whether it is marathons or your dream startup or a work project or the next moonshot project you want to take on, the importance of feeling that you are making progress is critical to our success. That is what keeps us going!


When I first set my mind on the goal of running a marathon in Antarctica, it had seemed impossible. Some called it audacious. Some even called it crazy. It was the audacity that finally came to my rescue and helped me fulfill my dream.

Finishing Strong

You either finish or you do not. Its that simple. After having run nearly 8000 miles over the last 8 years, it is clear to me that the battle to finish, and finish strong, is won or lost between your ears and how you finish one race or challenge sets the tone for the next race or challenge.

The Companion Workbook

A workbook for you to efficiently implement the principles and the lessons covered in this book

You were born with...


"You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.”

5 Key Outcomes Of This Book

My promise to you is that this book will help you be and achieve the extraordinary 


Get Inspired with stories of ordinary people who have achieved extraordinary goals


Access to a Blueprint to achieve audacious goals


Understand How to Achieve Your Big dreams by tackling a number of smaller goals


Learn how to create your “village” of mentors, peers and coaches to drive sustained success


Leverage the detailed workbook to implement all the principles from the book


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Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!


You missed out!

Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!

Stories I Share In This Book

Some of these include stories that haven't been shared with the world yet

Satish Shenoy's own marathon journey across all 7 Continents

Crossing the Drake Passage* in a Russian Icebreaker ship to successfully run a marathon in Antarctica

*one of the roughest bodies of water on earth

Dan Waldschmidt's story as the 10th person on earth to complete the “Everesting Challenge”, running 81 miles run in 25 hours and 9 minutes and climbing 29,000 ft*

*the equivalent of Mt. Everest

Chau Smith, a 70 year old woman who ran 7 marathons across 7 continents in 7 days

Eliud Kipchoge - World record holder of many marathons across the globe

And many more…

Satish Shenoy's own marathon journey across all 7 Continents

Crossing the Drake Passage* in a Russian Icebreaker ship to successfully run a marathon in Antarctica

*one of the roughest bodies of water on earth

Dan Waldschmidt's story as the 10th person on earth to complete the “Everesting Challenge”, running 81 miles run in 25 hours and 9 minutes and climbing 29,000 ft*

*the equivalent of Mt. Everest

Chau Smith, a 70 year old woman who ran 7 marathons across 7 continents in 7 days

Eliud Kipchoge - World record holder of many marathons across the globe

And many more…

Meet the Author

Satish Shenoy

Advisor | Author | Speaker | Runner

Having lived in 4 countries and traveled to over 40+ countries across all 7 continents, Satish has always embraced a sense of adventure. He was introduced to running in 2012 and his aspirations soon soared to running a marathon. And soon, he set his sights on the “7 Continents Club” - an exclusive group of runners who have run full marathons across all 7 continents. He successfully achieved this distinction in 2019 after he successfully finished his journey with the Antarctica Marathon. Satish believes that this unlikely success story is worth telling to inspire others to help set and achieve extraordinary goals. Satish is a Distinguished Toastmaster and award-winning public speaker and he enjoys “sharing and caring” to bring out the best in others through workshops on topics as varied as the magic of mindset, storytelling, impromptu speaking and more. 

As a senior business executive, he has leveraged his global experiences to advise and lead businesses spanning seed stage startups to Fortune 500 companies. He did this by scaling up their partner ecosystems working with System Integrators (SIs), Service Providers, Independent Software Vendors (ISV) and Advisory Partners. He has delivered over $200M+ of revenue over his career through his own efforts and through the teams that he has led. He believes in the power of teams and that by putting people first, the results will follow.

Meet the Author

Satish Shenoy

Advisor | Author | Speaker | Runner

Having lived in 4 countries and traveled to over 40+ countries across all 7 continents, Satish has always embraced a sense of adventure. He was introduced to running in 2012 and his aspirations soon soared to running a marathon. And soon, he set his sights on the “7 Continents Club” - an exclusive group of runners who have run full marathons across all 7 continents. He successfully achieved this distinction in 2019 after he successfully finished his journey with the Antarctica Marathon.  Satish believes that this unlikely success story is worth telling to inspire others to help set and achieve extraordinary goals. Satish is a Distinguished Toastmaster and award-winning public speaker and he enjoys “sharing and caring” to bring out the best in others through workshops on topics as varied as the magic of mindset, storytelling, impromptu speaking and more. 

As a senior business executive, he has leveraged his global experiences to advise and lead businesses spanning seed stage startups to Fortune 500 companies. He did this by scaling up their partner ecosystems working with System Integrators (SIs), Service Providers, Independent Software Vendors (ISV) and Advisory Partners. He has delivered over $200M+ of revenue over his career through his own efforts and through the teams that he has led. He believes in the power of teams and that by putting people first, the results will follow.

Work Experience

Consulting Partners

Keep taking one more step...

Satish Shenoy

“Have you ever told yourself something was not possible, only to be pleasantly surprised when you took just one more step? Keep taking one more step is all you need to eventually get to the finish line.”

Satish Shenoy Running Across All 7 Continents 

“7 Continents Club” - an exclusive group of runners who have run full marathons across all 7 continents. 


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Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!


You missed out!

Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!

Why I Wrote This Book

I hope to inspire you to attempt a goal or a dream that you previously thought was unreachable

I wrote this book to inspire anyone who wants to attempt a goal or a dream that they previously thought unreachable. I do this by sharing the framework, principles, stories and lessons from running marathons across the 7 continents. That experience led me to my ultimate goal of inspiring and enabling more people to achieve their previously unreachable goals and fulfill their boldest dreams.


Here is what a few global business leaders have had to say about Satish

“If you are looking for a speaker who will captivate audiences or a coach who will help you amplify your ability to communicate and present at your best, Satish should be on the short list if not at the top. He will help you get to your core so you can feel comfortable being your authentic self. With his sheer breadth of experience and ability to walk the walk, he is a role model and an honest example of being one of the best communicators on the planet.”

Nathan Gold
High Stakes Presentation Coach and
Keynote Speaker

“There are certain individuals in one's career that have major impact - those that have influenced you and worked with you step-by-step to achieve greatness. I have had the fortune to work with Satish over the past 12 years across various roles - I can think of no one else with the same tenacity, team spirit, phenomenal attitude and desire to see the job done, than Satish. Satish is laser-focused in every role he has assumed. He becomes an expert in every role he takes on, and he brings the most positive attitude and professionalism to every engagement. Satish's ability to master his trade no matter what the assignment, and adapt to ever-changing climates within the organization, are truly remarkable.”

Steve Regini
Vice President, Americas, Public Sector & Sales Engineering, Splunk

“Satish is a great partner to work with. He is extremely conscientious and aims to find innovative options to help resolve challenges when they crop up. I can always rely on Satish to act as a true partner and colleague to get things done. He is always willing to go the extra mile to help ensure that we jointly meet or exceed our objectives. He makes himself easily available and is highly responsive in all engagements.”

Tony Pereira
Senior Vice President, Mavenir

Free Additional Bonus for a limited time
with the Book!

Get FREE access to The Right Hustle (a $497 value)
By Rajesh Setty

To “hustle right” is to choreograph the actions of those that matter to create meaningful accomplishments in an arrangement where everybody involved finds a win:

  • Be more influential in work and life
  • Lay the foundation to build a powerful personal brand
  • Get buy-in from key people for your projects and initiatives
  • Learn to move the needle for others with ease

We aim too low and reach it...


“The greatest danger is not that we aim too high and miss it, but that we aim too low and reach it,”

To Your Success...

Satish Shenoy

Author of Runaway Growth


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Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!


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Seven Life & Business Lessons from Running Marathons Across
The Seven Continents!

*Also, be notified of the book launch on June 30, 2022!

Impossible is temporary...

Muhammed Ali

“Impossible is not a fact; it is an opinion; It is not a declaration, It is a dare! Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing!"

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I pre-order the book?

You will be able to pre-order the book, the week of Nov 22nd. Please sign up here and details will be shared as we near the date.

I would like to order multiple copies of the book for my organization. Will that option be available?

Yes. You will have the option to order multiple copies of the book

What will be the price of the book?

The pre-order price and the options will be determined shortly.

Can I get an autographed copy of the book?

Absolutely. Autographed copies will be available.

How do I reach you to interview you on this book?

Please reach me via the contact form on this website (

Copyright Satish Shenoy 2021  |  |  All Rights Reserved.

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