Things have picked up steam on the work front and the “writing” part of the book journey is also drawing to a close. I have started traveling on work and I am finishing up the proofreading phase on the book – this is the final stage before we go to print. I will share the updates that on the proof-reading (and the copy editing phase before that) the next time. For now, as I approach this milestone of wrapping up the writing journey, what is top of mind are the many, many people I am grateful to along this journey. I feel that my sentiments are well expressed through this great quote that I found.
“When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.”
— Vietnamese Proverb
Today, I remember everyone who contributed to the book journey – from Prof Eric Koester at The Creator Institue, Brian Bies at New Degree Press, the various author coaches, the editors and their wranglers, without whose help this book would not be possible. Heck, it might have not even started! And then there are my 130+ sponsors who supported my book campaign so well. I owe them a deep sense of gratitude – you were there when I needed you and you invested in me! Many, many other people along the way (too many to list) have had their hand in the book and my success to date and you will have to read the book to find out more.
Last but certainly not the least, I owe it to YOU the reader – the one who planted the tree and for whom I wrote this book. Delighted to see how the fruit will turn out. And we all don’t have to wait too long as the book is coming out in just a few weeks!
To Your Success!