
Book Journey Update: Editing, Proof-reading and Advance Praise!

Greetings! This will be a short update since I have an exciting, longer update coming soon. The last few weeks have been hectic from finishing the last few critical steps of copy editing, proof-reading, getting the book layout completed and getting advance praise quotes. I also worked on getting the book cover finalized. And then the moment you and I have been waiting for…..YES – I handed off the final manuscript and the book has gone to print!  In case you are curious, what copy-editing, proofreading and advance praise means… Copy Editing: I sent my completed manuscript to the copy […]

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Book Journey Update: Acknowledgments

Greetings! Things have picked up steam on the work front and the “writing” part of the book journey is also drawing to a close. I have started traveling on work and I am finishing up the proofreading phase on the book – this is the final stage before we go to print. I will share the updates that on the proof-reading (and the copy editing phase before that) the next time. For now, as I approach this milestone of wrapping up the writing journey, what is top of mind are the many, many people I am grateful to along this

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