
What’s Your Antarctica? Find and Achieve Your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)

Truly enjoyed this pitch and Q&A with Nathan Gold and Claudio Sennhauser from Pitchzone! Thanks also to coaches for Richard Pollack and Scottie Spurzem for their feedback and Q&A. Pitchzone (LinkedIn) is about four coaches helping one presenter fine-tune a short pitch and is an amazing platform for speakers, entrepreneurs, authors and anyone that wants to refine their pitch and get it out into the world. This pitch was about inspiring anyone to find their BHAG and then achieve their BHAG by leveraging the 7 principles that helped me bag my BHAG that is covered in my book Runaway Growth […]

What’s Your Antarctica? Find and Achieve Your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) Read More »

New Degree Press: Meet the Author

“Meet the Author” is a LIVE show from publisher New Degree Press introducing you to the authors behind the books. How can you change your mindset to achieve your biggest dreams — especially those considered impossible?  In this episode, we’ll meet brand new NDP author Satish. Shenoy’s book, “Runaway Growth,” will publish on June 30th with New Degree Press. Shenoy is an author, runner, speaker, and senior executive in the technology industry. He uses his deep experiences, understanding and passion for long distance running to empower others to achieve their big dreams.* Join us on June 24th at 12 noon

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To Antarctica And Beyond…

Seven years ago, while relaxing at my cousin’s home after one more of those “gut-busting” lovingly prepared dinners…her husband casually mentioned to me that he was going to run in the morning to subsidize what seemed like a million calories that we had consumed that night. He said he was preparing for the Oakland Half Marathon with a local community of runners called OmRun.  I didn’t know it then, but this conversation was going to be a pivotal point in many years of adventures running around the globe to come. The next morning, a cold one in January as I

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