
Five Ways to Sharpen Your Leadership Edge!

I recently participated in a discussion about ”Discovering Your Leadership Edge”.  That got me thinking about how one could not only discover, but sharpen or enhance their leadership edge. These are some lessons I have learned from my recent reads of books, blogs podcasts and more. Here are the 5 ways: (1) By focusing your energy on the right things – or the Energy edge(2) Maintaining good physical health or The Physical Edge(3) Keeping your mental faculties sharp or The Mental Edge(4) Consistently delivering value to those around you or The Value Edge5) Finally, building robust social relationships or The […]

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What’s Your Antarctica? Find and Achieve Your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)

Truly enjoyed this pitch and Q&A with Nathan Gold and Claudio Sennhauser from Pitchzone! Thanks also to coaches for Richard Pollack and Scottie Spurzem for their feedback and Q&A. Pitchzone (LinkedIn) is about four coaches helping one presenter fine-tune a short pitch and is an amazing platform for speakers, entrepreneurs, authors and anyone that wants to refine their pitch and get it out into the world. This pitch was about inspiring anyone to find their BHAG and then achieve their BHAG by leveraging the 7 principles that helped me bag my BHAG that is covered in my book Runaway Growth

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Runaway Growth Author Interview Podcast with Itsdiff Academy

What a great conversation with Sri Srinivasa from Itsdiff Academy and Aurality Infotainment. Itsdiff Academy hosts Entrepreneurs, Authors, and Professionals to offer thought leadership and some of the greatest content around Leadership, Career, Project/ Product/ Program Management, Innovation. The Itsdiff Academy team believes that we can learn from each other, along with sharing our experience with the community to serve a greater purpose– The goal is to serve the community in sharing our experience from other eminent professionals across industries.– This will help us to learn a lesson or too sometimes as life lessons as well Click on the link

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Coffee Chat By Manuscripts: How Authors Can Grow Their Professional Networks

If you are an author, have you ever wondered how you can leverage your books to expand your professional networks? In this episode of #CoffeeChats, Mackenzie Finklea and Kyra Ann Dawkins will talk to Satish Shenoy (Runaway Growth, May 2022) and Eric Koester (Founder of The Creator Institute). We’ll share insights on how books can help make new professional connections and how professional connections can make book journeys all the more fruitful. #CoffeeChats by Manuscripts is an ongoing series for casual conversations about our goals as authors that will often feature special guests.

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New Degree Press: Meet the Author

“Meet the Author” is a LIVE show from publisher New Degree Press introducing you to the authors behind the books. How can you change your mindset to achieve your biggest dreams — especially those considered impossible?  In this episode, we’ll meet brand new NDP author Satish. Shenoy’s book, “Runaway Growth,” will publish on June 30th with New Degree Press. Shenoy is an author, runner, speaker, and senior executive in the technology industry. He uses his deep experiences, understanding and passion for long distance running to empower others to achieve their big dreams.* Join us on June 24th at 12 noon

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G.O.A.Ts (Greatest of All Time) Speeches from the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking

Every year, the Toastmasters organization culminates its twelve months with an international conference where among other rituals and formalities, it picks its new President, Board of Directors, Committees and also crowns its World Champion of Public Speaking. The World Championship of Public Speaking contest began in 1938 and has grown to over 50,000 participants in 149 countries in 2022. In its early decades, it was simply referred to as the Toastmasters Speech Contest. By the 1990s, there were more than 10,000 participants every year. The contest’s popularity grew rapidly in the 2000s and the contest has been often called the

G.O.A.Ts (Greatest of All Time) Speeches from the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking Read More »

What I am Reading…

They say the most credible leaders are readers. Reading to me opens up my world to new insights and many “aha” moments. Besides the joy of immersing oneself in the act of reading itself, every time I read, I feel that I learn more and the more I learn, the more I have to contribute to the world around me and hopefully make it a better place than how I found it. If you are like me, then you might even wish that there was more time in the day to catch up on your reading. But what I have

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