Book Journey Update

Book Journey Update: Printing, Publishing and Pre-order

Greetings! The light is at the end of the tunnel and the book is about to emerge from print to begin its journey. After the laborious cycles of copy-editing, read-aloud and proof-reading the book was sent off to the printer a couple weeks ago! Although I don’t drink alcohol, I think I could have used a strong drink that day to relax a bit and celebrate the hard-earned milestone! Now, we wait for the books to arrive, initially in my hands, and then yours. With some delays in supply chains (no surprise there I guess!) the paperback should be in […]

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Book Journey Update: Book Cover Reveal

Greetings! They say “Do not judge a book by its cover“. However, the reality is that most of us do just that. Very often they say a prospective reader makes a split second decision whether or not to pick up the book based on… you guessed it, the cover! One of the most exciting parts of the publishing journey is to design and see the book book cover come to life. The book cover design includes visual elements including a book title and subtitle, illustrations or images and text with an attractive color scheme with spine formatting, back cover design,

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Book Journey Update: Podcasts & Talks

Greetings! Things have been much of a roller coaster for me over the last 4 weeks and hence the long silence. My sincere apologies. I had to go to India for over 2 weeks to participate in family rituals after the passing of both my parents over the last 9 months.  My mom passed away unexpectedly in March 2021 and was followed by my Dad in Jan 2022. They were inseparable in life as they were in death. Sadly, I could not visit during either of their passing due to the raging COVID epidemic in India in March 2021 and

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Book Journey Update: Book Cover Design

Greetings! Things have been very hectic for the last 2 weeks. With an exciting full time job at a growing technology company, work travel, a young family, book revisions and cover design, I know I shouldn’t expect anything less and I would rather be busy than bored any day! While the book revisions continued unabated, today we will cover a bit about the Book Cover Design process. Although we have often heard the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, the book cover serves as the most important “calling card” for the book.  Before a book cover was designed

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Book Journey Update: Revisions

Greetings! It has been a few weeks since my book pre-sale campaign came to a close on Indiegogo. Thanks to you all, it was a huge success! I had planned to send you this update about two weeks earlier, but then COVID had alternate plans. And just as we recovered from COVID, a family emergency stopped progress in its tracks for a couple of weeks. Things are getting back to normal now and we are moving full speed ahead. The Indiegogo campaign had 134 backers and we achieved 158% of our initial goal raising a total of $8723. For those

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